Monday 6 March 2017


Reported by: Luqman, Iyaz Emir, Syafiq (Form 3, MTI)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

On March 4th 2017, our school organized an Archery Short Course at Maahad Tahfiz Al-Iman. At 0900 hours, all students were assembled beside the school's cafeteria while waiting for our invited coach, Mr. Nizam who is from the University Technology of Malaysia (UTM).  He is an ex-army officer of the Malaysian Armed Force.              

The programme started at 0930 hours soon after the arrival of Mr.  Nizam.  He briefed us on the techniques of  handling  the bow and arrow, which took quite a while.  Learning  archery is part of our sunnah. Not only that, horse riding and swimming are in fact also part of our sunnah.  He reminded us to be cautious of our safety and the safety of others.  We had 30 minutes break before resuming our activity.

At 1045 hours, we  resumed our archery practice.  We started by practicing our hand-grips technique on the  arrow and how to release it.  We also master the technique on how to hold the bow firmly.

We then warmed up with push ups and star jumps as ordered by Mr. Nizam. After warm-up session, our instructor did a few archery demonstrations for us to practice.

We were assigned to 6 groups in which 10 participants were allocated to each group.  We took turn to shoot the arrows towards the target.  After every one had a chance to shoot an arrow, we moved on to the second trial.   We were given 5 arrows each to shoot at the target.

The programme ended with the recitation of prayers by a Form 5 student named Ahmad Faisal.  We were dismissed at 1230 hours by our instructor. We felt very grateful on that day and hopefully we can develop our skills in archery in the next courses. We also would like to take this opportunity to thank our coach for his fruitful training.

Thank you very much.

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